Personal Letter


personal letter is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to another.

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Generic Structure and Example of Personal Letter

To make clear how to write a personal letter, below is some elements should be included when writing a personal letter. They are:
1. Date: It is the month, day and year that the letter is written on.
2. Greeting: Some times we call it “salutation”. It is the introductory phrase. It can be a phrase like:

  • Dear Tono, Dear My friend, Dear My Brother, etc
  • Body: All kinds of letter formal or informal have the letter body. This is the complete text of the letter or the subject matter content.

3. Closing: It is the farewell phrase. That is a word that precedes the signature and is followed by a comma. The phrases can be like; Yours truly, Sincerely, Respectfully yours, Regards, etc.
4. Signature: This the place where you writ your name and signature.

Examples of Personal Letter for Various Purposes
After understanding the generic structure of how a personal letter is organized, now we see some sample below.

generic structure of personal letter

The first letter above is written by friend to another friend to inform that one of them can not meet in a time asked. He replies for sorry and rearrange to another time. Again a personal letter below is very informal. Read it!

Ungkapan dalam Personal Letter Starting the letter

  • How are you?
  • Hope this letter finds you…
  • Thank you for your last letter.
  • It was so good to hear from you.
  • Sorry for answering late
  • I am sorry I should have written earlier…
  • Haven’t heard from you in a while so I thought…
  • I am sorry to inform you that…


  • I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
  • I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
  • My best wishes for the coming test.
  • See you.
  • I will write soon.
  • I will have to stop now.
  • I am waiting for a quick reply.
  • Looking forward to see you again.
  • Bye.

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